Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Warning: Heartburn Drugs and Antacids Will Worsen Your Condition

WARNING: Long Term Use Of Prescription Drugs and Antacids Will Worsen Your Acid Reflux and Heartburn Condition and May Lead To Dangerous Complications!

The vast majority of prescription drugs, not just those aimed at treating heartburn, can severely damage your delicate natural internal balance, interfere with liver function, build up toxins in your body, slow down your metabolism and lead to serious side effects. British medical scientists have recently linked PPI drugs to Osteoporosis (bone loss). Additionally, taking more than one medication in many cases results in serious reactions between the different drugs as one drug can change or even worse, enhance the effect of the other drug. This can lead to harmful consequences.

It is well known that Drugs like Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium aimed at treating acid reflux are to be taken for a period of no more than 8 weeks. The reason for that is that these drugs if taken for longer periods can actually stimulate your stomach to produce extra amounts of acid. This occurs because of a hormone called Gastrin, which is produced by the body when these drugs are taken. Over production of Gastrin can often lead to cancer in the esophagus or pancreas as cells in these areas grow too large as a reaction to the over production of Gastrin.

Not only do Antacids such as Tums, Pepcid, Zantac, and Rolaids deal with the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn and not with the underlying cause, antacids can also lead to high blood pressure, Alzheimer's Disease and even cancer. Moreover, breaking up the acid in the stomach can eventually make your heartburn worse, since stomach acid helps us absorb nutrients and is the first line of defense against Candida (which can lead to acid reflux and heartburn).

If you are looking for a holistic approach to eliminate your heartburn and acid reflux and relieve the pain you need Heartburn No More.

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